CAT Exam Model Paper 1 with solutions for free online practice

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Passage 2
Rural India face serious shortages - power, water, health facilities, roads, etc - these are known and recognized. However, the role of technology in solving these and other problems is barely acknowledged and the actual availability o f technology in rural areas is marginal. The backbone of the rural economy is agriculture; which also provides sustenance to over half the country’s population. The “Green Revolution” of the 1970s was, in fact, powered by the scientific work in various agricultural research institutions. Which some fault the Green Revolution for excessive exploitation of water and land resources through overuse of fertilizers, it did bring about a wheat surplus and prosperity in certain pockets of the country.
In rural India today, there is a dire inadequacy of both science (i.e. knowledge) and technology (which derives from science and manifests itself in physical form). The scope to apply technology to both farm and non-farm activities in rural areas is huge, as are the potential benefits. In fact, crop yields are far lower than what they are in demonstration farms, where science and technology are applied more. Technologies that reduce power consumption of pumps are vital; unfortunately, their use is minimal, since agricultural power is free or largely subsidized. Similarly, there is little incentive to optimize through technology or otherwise-water use, especially in irrigated areas (a third o f total arable land), given employment and incomes, but at present deployment of technology is marginal. Cold storage and cold-chains for transportation to market is of great importance for many agricultural products particularly-fruits and vegetables but are non-existent. These are clearly technologies with an immediate return on investment, and benefits for all; the farmer, the end-consumer, the technology provider. However, regulatory and structural barriers are holding back investments.
Power is a key requirement in rural areas, for agricultural as well as domestic uses. Technology can provide reliable power at comparatively low cost in a decentralized manner. However, this needs to be upgraded and scaled in a big way, with emphasis on renewable and non-polluting technologies. Reliable and low cost means of transporting goods and people is an essential need for rural areas. The bullock-cart and the tractor-trailer are present vehicles of choice. Surely, technology can provide a better, cheaper and more efficient solution? Information related to commodity prices, agricultural practices,weather, etc., are crucial for the farmer. Technology can provide these through technology mobile phones, which is a proven technology; however the challenge to ensure connectivity remains. Thus, there is a pressing need for technology as currently, economic growth though skewed and iniquitous, has created an economically attractive market in rural India.
Question : 5
Total: 100
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